What People Need to Know About Lung Cancer


The purpose of WorkerAnts.com is to connect charities, volunteers and activists. It is a charity network that creates a place where people can collaborate, share best practices.

  • Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death worldwide.  Responsible for between 1.59 - 1.8 million deaths a year worldwide. 
  • Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer death in the UK, accounting for more than 1 in 5 cancer deaths.
  • On average, 56 Canadians will die from lung cancer every day.
  • In the US lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths each year, topping the death rates of other cancers by at least 3:1.
  • Lung cancer is the fifth most common cancer in Australia but the most common cause of cancer death.
  • Lung Cancer is expected to kill over 1 million people a year in China alone by 2025.  Currently rates of lung cancer in China have reportedly doubled in a decade and increased by 465 percent in the last 30 years.

All cancers are serious diseases and need to be given the awareness and attention they deserve, but what is unacceptable is the fact that the average person does not have an awareness of the signs and symptoms of lung cancer the way they do for other well-known cancers.  For instance, most people can describe one or more of the signs of breast cancer, prostate cancer or skin cancer; very few people can describe any of the signs of lung cancer.  Even more disturbing is the fact that so few medical providers regularly screen for lung cancer, even though early detection can increase chances of survival.  So what do people need to know about lung cancer? 

This is the question WorkerAnts.com tries to answer this week with their article, “What You Need to Know About Lung Cancer.”

The purpose of WorkerAnts.com is to connect charities, volunteers and activists.  It is a charity network that creates a place where people can collaborate, share best practices, and see hope in the ways people around the world are striving to make this world a better place.  They give people a place to be heard.

There are a million ways to do good.  WorkerAnts.com recognizes and values each one.


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