Latest Press Releases applauds the work that Beats, Rhymes and Relief is doing to pass on the message of hope and to turn a passion for arts into a way to help others.....
People assume that if a person has lung cancer they are or were a smoker. Whether true or not, this stigma makes many people feel that lung cancer is a disease that is not sympathetic at best, deserved by its victims at worst.
Find and support other charities that fight for literacy and promote reading by going to the WorkerAnts global charity search and looking under the "Literacy and Learning."
WorkerAnts will be joining in this year's #GivingTuesday™ by helping nonprofits and individuals to change the world and celebrate generosity. This social network for non-profits will bring like minded people together to fulfill cause to help others
The purpose of is to connect charities, volunteers and activists. It is a charity network that creates a place where people can collaborate, share best practices. is pleased to showcase two great community urban farms, Uncommon Good and Veggielution.
Social Network for Non-Profits Dedicated to Philanthropy creates a place for Charity Reviews and Social Networking.